Friday, June 5, 2009

How to make your campaign go viral

I just spent the last couple of days in various conferences and workshops at NYC internet week. The big question that kept popping up was, "how do you go viral"?  All of us web geeks wanted to know the formula. We all craved finding out the secret to instant low cost fame. If you've viewed or interacted with a viral campaign, it's easy to figure out the first step. Do something so overwhelmingly emotional, something that rocks your core, something funny, stupid, outrageous, smart, etc. Well, you get it. has a nice way of laying out the formula and includes ways to push it even more. But, no guarantees as there really aren't any. Techcrunch has a valuable posting but I have a little problem with the ethics. Maybe I'm naive, but do you think Simon Cowell did all that false interacting to make Susan Boyle go viral? 

And speaking of viral... how can I blog about viral without sharing?
My favorite finds of the week and oddly enough, very opposite in tone. Actually, Wake up humans is so haunting that you'll need Pearl to snap you out of shock.
Wake up Humans- hauntingly brilliant campaign by Amnesty International
Pearl the Landlord- Funnyordie are the funniest writers on the web. 

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